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Clearing entities with warning.

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Tree Puncher
Plugins required:
- Lag Clear
- Madcommands


cmd add clear
cmd add clear %all% = onlineplayers()
cmd add clear message %all% §7[§e-§7] §cWarning§b! §cAll dropped Entities will be cleared in 20s§b!
cmd add clear sleep 21
cmd add clear /lagg clear
cmd add clear message %all% §7[§e-§7] §cAll dropped Entities has been cleared§b!
cmd add clear exit

Now do /clear to initialize
I can make this cmd exclusive to some groups but I'm a bit lazy now. if you want that code you can comment below.

You can set the cmd on a loop by adding sleep 200 and then goto 1. (This may cause even more lag due to the loop)