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Search results

  1. XMagmaCreeperX

    A tutorial showing how to check if a variable is a number or not

    With this code, you are able to check if a variable is a number or not, once you paste this code to a command, do /<cmd> 12345 then it will say "12345 is a number", but if you do /<cmd> test123 then it will say "test123 is not a number." 1. %var% = \"\" + %args%[1] + \"\" 2. %num% = 0 3. %text%...
  2. XMagmaCreeperX

    A tutorial showing how to check if a player is online from the first letters of their name

    Here is a tutorial on how to check if a player is online from the first letters of their name. cmd create online An example command showing how to check if a player is online from a part of their first name | /online <player> cmd add online if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then message %p%...
  3. XMagmaCreeperX

    Kit UI (Add, edit, remove kits, includes cool downs and permissions for each group)

    I have made a kit UI command, with this command you can do the following: • Create unlimited kits with custom names. • Make it so only specific groups are allowed to use the kit you made. • Add a cool down to the kits you have made, and the cool down doesn’t break when the server restarts...
  4. XMagmaCreeperX

    Freeze and Unfreeze

    Freeze and Unfreeze Freeze: cmd create freeze Freeze a player cmd insert freeze 1 let %player% = %args%[1] cmd insert freeze 2 if varset(%player%) then goto 5 cmd insert freeze 3 message %p% Usage: /freeze <player> cmd insert freeze 4 exit cmd insert freeze 5 let %online% = onlineplayers()...
  5. XMagmaCreeperX

    Anti-Spam System

    Anti-Spam System This is a system that prevents spamming in-game, it’s not 100% functional but it still works, this system is created with MadCommands, here is its code: cmd create antispam Prevents spam cmd add antispam load %chat% cmd add antispam if varset(%chat%[%p%]) = %false% then goto 4...
  6. XMagmaCreeperX

    Online Timer System

    Online Timer System: This is a system that keeps counting in days, hours, minutes and seconds how much the player has been online, and stops counting when the player leaves the server Timer: This is a system that runs when a player joins the server, it is not for manual use, code: cmd create...