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Search results

  1. C

    Auto Inventory (Fully functioning [I hope])

    Commands to define auto inventory area: /autoinv create - creates an area /autoinv whitelist <area-name> <x1> <y1> <z1> <x2> <y2> <z2> - defines the area (Should be opposite corners that form a box) /autoinv delete <area-name> - deletes an area /autoinv list - list all areas /autoinv tp...
  2. C

    Ban Hammer

    Use of this command: Tap the player you want to ban with the correct tool to ban them! Why command was made: Someone requested it because they were tired of typing out player's full name Remember To: Trigger it to damage trigger if haven't already (and unregister the command) Give yourself the...
  3. C

    Prison Commands (/rankup, /tpmine, (and /prison - for ops and settings mines)

    This command is essential for Prison Servers! Finally, we get /rankup and /tpmine! Note: This prison command will not reset mines. Usage: /tpmine - tp to your current mine /tpmine [mine name] - tps to owned mines /rankup - rank up to next available mine. Now the big boy commands: /prison...
  4. C

    Prison Commands: (/rankup, /tpmine, and (/prison - for ops only))

    Character limit sooo: https://pastebin.com/6MATSrnF tell me if there are any problems
  5. C

    Updated /fix (with /fix all)

    cmd add fix i#Command made by: CosmicGhast, You can edit line 12 and line 43 for permissions cmd add fix let %tools% = array(256,257,258,259,261,269,270,271,273,274,275,277,278,279,284,285,286,291,292,293,294,346,359) cmd add fix let %weapons% = array(267,268,272,276,283) cmd add fix let %armor%...
  6. C


    This is the command /banknote <amount>: cmd add banknote let %bal% = playerbalance(%p%) cmd add banknote if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 5 cmd add banknote message %p% §cInvalid use! Usage: /banknote <amount> cmd add banknote exit cmd add banknote if %args%[1] > 0 then goto 8 cmd add banknote...
  7. C

    Updated perworld sell

    https://ghostbin.com/paste/pkdd2 I have to post a link because of the character limit. Use to transfer currently sell variable: (If you used my outdated command) cmd add selltransfer load %sells% cmd add selltransfer let %sel% = %sells% cmd add selltransfer let %sells% = cmd add selltransfer...
  8. C

    /sell command (sell hand and sell all)

    cmd add sell let %status% = playerstatus(%p%) cmd add sell load %sells% cmd add sell if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then goto 188 cmd add sell if varset(%sells%) then goto 10 cmd add sell let %sell%["ids"] = array(0) cmd add sell let %sell%["variants"] = array(0) cmd add sell let...
  9. C

    Rankup System (Simplified)

    Requirements: Warps to have the same names as in %mines% (the warps have to be lowercase letters) if warps are uppercase letters then either change all the letters in %mines% to uppercase or use: cmd insert rankup 22 let %warp% = uppercase(%mine%) and cmd edit rankup 23 asop /warp %warp% For...
  10. C

    /fix command (repair tools/weapons/armor)

    cmd create fix repair your tools cmd add fix if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 26 cmd add fix let %tools% = array(256,257,258,259,261,269,270,271,273,274,275,277,278,279,284,285,286,291,292,293,294,346,359) cmd add fix let %weapons% = array(267,268,272,276,283) cmd add fix let %armor% =...
  11. C

    Updated Sell Hand

    Updated Sell Hand Command: Added /sell edit <item name> - edit the price of item (item name case sensitive) cmd add sell load %sellitems% cmd add sell if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 5 cmd add sell message %p% §e[Sell] §cDo /help to see all sell options! cmd add sell exit cmd add sell if...
  12. C

    inventory see

    cmd add invsee let %allowed% = array(\"???\") cmd add invsee if %p% in %allowed% then goto 5 cmd add invsee message %p% §aYou do not have permission to use this command! cmd add invsee exit cmd add invsee if %args%[1] = \"modify\" then goto 52 cmd add invsee load %inven% cmd add invsee load...