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Search results

  1. Abdu77

    Is leet good? Read More

    false, support is super slow and can up to a week for a reply compared to other host's. I'd recommend it if you're new to this 'server hosting' stuff. But since you seem like an experienced owner I'd recommend to get a much better host which is plenty out there & that provide quality hardware...
  2. Abdu77

    AuctionHouse with MadCmds?

    I will give this a try :3
  3. Abdu77

    AuctionHouse with MadCmds?

    It is but I doubt if it will be fully functional
  4. Abdu77


    Note: Add sleep 60 to the first line of the cmd since votes take some time to register with the API.
  5. Abdu77


  6. Abdu77

    How do i make multiple lines of text with the slapper plugin?

    /slapper create player Tap me!{line}GUI
  7. Abdu77


    Minor mistake at Line 47- correction: cmd edit voteparty 47 let %api% = %args%[2]
  8. Abdu77


    What is VoteParty? VoteParty allows you to reward all the players present on the server after reaching a certain amount of votes or a multiple of that number. (i.e. 25 / 50) This encourages players to vote for your server. VoteParty and VoteRewards are different as the latter only rewards that...
  9. Abdu77


    ------------------------------------------------------ VoteParty by ClashwithAb#8884 ------------------------------------------------------ Plugins Required: - Madcommands - PocketVote Available Features/Commands: 1. /voteparty 2. /voteparty forcestart 3. /voteparty api <api from...
  10. Abdu77


  11. Abdu77

    Help with Amount if Cash

    let %bal% = playerbalance(%p%) If %bal% > 4999 <--- (the amount of money) goto 5 exit (Your code here)
  12. Abdu77

    Suggestion Cooldown plugin

    You can simply make this with madcommands
  13. Abdu77

    Suggestion Faction Bank Account.

    I think someone made this with madcommands.
  14. Abdu77

    Prison Thread

    I have just made a thread on it in madcommands. you can see it once it is approved.
  15. Abdu77

    Mine Reset with Intervals

    Plugins Required:- 1. World edit 2. Madcommands Collect the coords from the mines diagonally (i.e. one from upper part and one from lowest part of the mine diagonal to the first pos). There may be some errors in the code, please report it below. The values given in brackets () are meant to...
  16. Abdu77

    Life can be challenging sometimes :)

    Life can be challenging sometimes :)
  17. Abdu77

    Clearing entities with warning.

    That will remove slappers too.
  18. Abdu77

    I need help

    Go to https://leet.cc/panel or download 3rd party apps from playstore such as MConsole or Rcon Administrator for MC (only for android devices).
  19. Abdu77

    Fully functional /rankup system

    Plugins Required: - Economy - Modify ranks - Madcommands How to setup before pasting: This code is NOT meant to be pasted directly, you have to edit before it can be fully functional. You will have to setup by either editing after paste by using /cmd edit cmdname line code or by pasting the...