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Search results

  1. xXLink1147Xx

    Server-wide Broadcast Command. - Simple Madcommand

    Hey guys, it's been a bit. I took a tad bit of a break from madcommands. I'm coming back to it now. I started with something simple, as some people might find this useful, as an editable substitute to alternative methods such as the admin fun plugin. I might get back to creating some more...
  2. xXLink1147Xx

    Custom Message GUI - SocialSpy and Chatfilter Implemented

    cmd create tell §o§7Custom Message Command cmd add tell %gui%[\"type\"] = \"custom_form\" cmd add tell %gui%[\"title\"] = \"§cPrivate Message\" cmd add tell %drop%[\"type\"] = \"dropdown\" cmd add tell %drop%[\"text\"] = \"§cSelect a player:\" cmd add tell %options% = onlineplayers() cmd add...
  3. xXLink1147Xx

    Bedwars - Advanced Madcommand - Link1147

    https://pastebin.com/56BHbmvF Special Thanks to xXPro99Xx, without his help with this code, it wouldn't be possible. Make sure to drop him a simple "thanks" if you plan to use this. :D NOTE: In order to fit the code into your server's map, make sure to edit any coordinates with the placeholder...
  4. xXLink1147Xx

    Skywars Code

    cmd create skywars §o§7Skywars minigame - By: Link1147 cmd add skywars load %pvp% cmd add skywars if varset(%pvp%) then goto 5 cmd add skywars let %pvp% = array() cmd add skywars let %pvp% = %pvp% - array() cmd add skywars if size(%pvp%) = 4 then message %p% §cA §3Skywars §cmatch is already...
  5. xXLink1147Xx

    Minigame: FishSlap

    cmd create fish §o§7Knockback fish minigame - By: Link1147 cmd add fish load %pvp% cmd add fish if varset(%pvp%) then goto 5 cmd add fish let %pvp% = array() cmd add fish let %pvp% = %pvp% - array() cmd add fish if size(%pvp%) = 2 then message %p% §cA §3Fish§bSlap §cmatch is already...
  6. xXLink1147Xx

    Tempban GUI

    cmd create banhammer cmd add banhammer let %ban% = %args%[1] cmd add banhammer if varset(%ban%) = %p% then exit cmd add banhammer if %ban% = %p% then goto 50 cmd add banhammer let %online% = onlineplayers() cmd add banhammer if %ban% notin %online% then goto 52 cmd add banhammer let %op% =...
  7. xXLink1147Xx

    Valintines Day

    Hey guys, this is gunna be my 100th post here, and i didnt know how to use it, until i asked my good friend Frost3dl3af, who told me to do something Valnintines Day related, so here we are: A command for all the loners out there (i feel yall) cmd create single cmd add single let %g% =...
  8. xXLink1147Xx

    Staff chat (version 2, in working condition)

    cmd create staffchat cmd add staffchat if varset(%args%[1]) = 0 then goto 6 cmd add staffchat let %toggle% = lowercase(%args%[1]) cmd add staffchat if %toggle% = \"chat\" then goto 34 cmd add staffchat if %toggle% = \"on\" then goto 8 cmd add staffchat if %toggle% = \"off\" then goto 21...
  9. xXLink1147Xx

    /tell, with a socialspy implimented

    cmd add tell let %gui%["type"] = \"custom_form\" cmd add tell let %gui%["title"] = \"§cPrivate Message\" cmd add tell let %drop%["type"] = \"dropdown\" cmd add tell let %drop%["text"] = \"Select a player:\" cmd add tell let %options% = onlineplayers() cmd add tell let %drop%["options"] =...
  10. xXLink1147Xx

    Simple MadCommand: Blocked TNT

    cmd add tnt if %args%[7] = 46 then goto 3 cmd add tnt exit cmd add tnt message onlineplayers() §6[§cTNT Placement§6] §4%p% §chas just placed tnt cnd add tnt /kick %p% TNT is forbidden! Further action shall be taken...
  11. xXLink1147Xx

    SideHud format, if you couldnt figure out how to get it to work

    sb I §c§l§o-=•>(server name) I%LINE%I §c§l§o•> §aName: %NICK% I%LINE%I...
  12. xXLink1147Xx

    How to finally get sharpness as an enchant

    /give (player) 276 1 {ench:[{id:9s,lv5s}]}
  13. xXLink1147Xx

    Custom Enchanted Item Tags (GUI)

    cmd create screate cmd add screate %form%[\"type\"] = \"custom_form\" cmd add screate %form%[\"title\"] = \"§6Sword Forge\" cmd add screate %i0%[\"type\"] = \"input\" cmd add screate %i0%[\"text\"] = \"§bInput the Item ID\" cmd add screate %i0%[\"default\"] = \"276\" cmd add screate...