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  1. UnboundIvyYT

    Happy thanks giving!

    Happy thanksgiving everyone!! Be thankful for what you have, have a good day! Share your role ok thanks giving, mine is help making the food!
  2. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Save Inventory

    This is super simple! You can change the games, but I will just use Survival / Factions as my example! /cmd install restoreinventory /cmd install storeinventory 1. if %args%[1] = \”join\” then goto 5 2. if %args%[1] = \”leave\” then goto 9 3. message %p% Use /faction join to join factions...
  3. UnboundIvyYT

    Ban Hammer

    I am not that good at Mad Commands but won’t you /ban yourself because it says this: Ascon /ban %p%
  4. UnboundIvyYT

    What has been your Best Moment of You School yea so far??

    All I do for a life is code bots, do discord, do Mad Commands and other types of coding
  5. UnboundIvyYT

    What do you look for in a fun MCPE Leet server?

    That’s respectable, try hard never give up. It’s hard! I failed 23 servers and counting and I Failed them, but I have a good server right now!
  6. UnboundIvyYT

    Bug server keeps disconnecting/crashing

    Change the server version to latest version then back.
  7. UnboundIvyYT

    What has been your Best Moment of You School yea so far??

    I hate school I like to stay inside with my phone and cook, “What are you doing outside? Go outside it’s LOVELY!”. Anyway, my favorite subject is Math, I am smart, I really like to do things but at school everyone makes fun of me, even here on discord and social media it’s supet sad, wish...
  8. UnboundIvyYT

    Who would win?

    My mum will win
  9. UnboundIvyYT

    SideHud format, if you couldnt figure out how to get it to work

    Are those “i”’s or “L”’s in the code? l I
  10. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Mute and Unmute System

    Kind of hard when you just delete the command, trying to make your own
  11. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Mute and Unmute System

    Only the mute command works, well it says no errors but the muted and unmute spam you with errors
  12. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Mute and Unmute System

    Yes, I did it all but it still as errors.
  13. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Mute and Unmute System

    I made mine, but when I do /mute the player keeps talking like they are not muted, does not delete the message.
  14. UnboundIvyYT

    Different Inventories / Creative Plots

    Error on 7, 8, 9, 10. Undefined variable (world)
  15. UnboundIvyYT

    Leap Feather with Cooldown

  16. UnboundIvyYT

    Leap Feather with Cooldown

    cmd create leap Leap Hight with a feather! : Not for manual use! cmd add leap %worlds% = array(\"world\") cmd add leap if %level% notin %worlds% then exit cmd add leap load %cool% cmd add leap if varset(%cool%[%p%]) = %false% then goto 12 cmd add leap let %cooldown2% = %cool%[%p%] cmd add...
  17. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple BanGUI

    Some people said that there where errors in my first ban GUI! Here is a new and better edit of it! cmd create ban Ban a player from the server! cmd add ban let %staff% = array(\”Owner\”, \”CoOwner\”, \”Admin\”) cmd add ban let %allowed% = playergroup(%p%) cmd add ban if %allowed% in %staff% then...
  18. UnboundIvyYT

    Tp gui command

    Thanks to AntiSepticBoi for the idea of this command! TP GUI cmd create tp cmd add tp let %staff% = array(\”Owner\”, \”Admin\”) cmd add tp let %allowed% = playergroup(%p%) cmd add tp if %allowed% in %allowed% in %staff% then goto 6 cmd add tp message %p% [Teleport] You need permission for this...