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Search results

  1. UnboundIvyYT

    Happy thanks giving!

    Happy thanksgiving everyone!! Be thankful for what you have, have a good day! Share your role ok thanks giving, mine is help making the food!
  2. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple Save Inventory

    This is super simple! You can change the games, but I will just use Survival / Factions as my example! /cmd install restoreinventory /cmd install storeinventory 1. if %args%[1] = \”join\” then goto 5 2. if %args%[1] = \”leave\” then goto 9 3. message %p% Use /faction join to join factions...
  3. UnboundIvyYT

    Leap Feather with Cooldown

    cmd create leap Leap Hight with a feather! : Not for manual use! cmd add leap %worlds% = array(\"world\") cmd add leap if %level% notin %worlds% then exit cmd add leap load %cool% cmd add leap if varset(%cool%[%p%]) = %false% then goto 12 cmd add leap let %cooldown2% = %cool%[%p%] cmd add...
  4. UnboundIvyYT

    Tp gui command

    Thanks to AntiSepticBoi for the idea of this command! TP GUI cmd create tp cmd add tp let %staff% = array(\”Owner\”, \”Admin\”) cmd add tp let %allowed% = playergroup(%p%) cmd add tp if %allowed% in %allowed% in %staff% then goto 6 cmd add tp message %p% [Teleport] You need permission for this...
  5. UnboundIvyYT

    Simple BanGUI

    cmd create bangui Ban GUI cmd add bangui let %group% = playergroup(%p%) cmd add bangui let %allowed% = array(\”Owner\”, \”CoOwner\”, \”Admin\”) cmd add bangui if %group% in %allowed then goto 6 cmd add bangui message %p% You do not have permission! cmd add bangui exit cmd add bangui let...
  6. UnboundIvyYT

    PvP AxeRaidsNetwork

    >—[AxeRaidsNetwork]—< Hello, I am the Owner of a popular server that got Shutdown for 6 Months, and now it will be Releasing! I hope you guys will join for the Release Special! >—[Games]—< • SkyGrid Survival • KitPVP • Plots (Coming Soon) (More Games Coming Soon!!) >—[Staff List]—< •...