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  • Minecraft 1.16.220 Update + Bug/Crash Fixes
    Added MCPE 1.16.220 version and fixed crashes for multiple plugins. You can view the full changelist here.
  • Forum Updates - 4/11/2021
    Various changes have been made to the forums and a few categories. You can view the full changelist here.

Search results

  1. N

    Kits UI

    cmd create kits A advanced kit UI made by NikosProGamer cmd add kits let %allowed% = array(\"YT\", \"Guest\", \"Creator\", \"God\", \"Warrior\", \"Emperor\", \"Owner\", \"Admin\", \"Mod\", \"Helper\", \"Voter\", \"Trainee\") cmd add kits let %pgrp% = playergroup(%p%) cmd add kits if %pgrp% in...
  2. N

    Cosmetics and Settings UI (First release)

    No problem! Always happy to share useful commands.
  3. N

    I need help with mine plugin

    When I create my mine and do /mine set prison 1 100 then /mine reset prison, nothing spawns. Can somebody help me??
  4. N

    Cosmetics and Settings UI (First release)

    These UI's are simple so I made them for the community :) Settings UI cmd create settings §eSettings UI cmd add settings %player% = %p% cmd add settings %gui%[\"type\"] = \"form\" cmd add settings %gui%[\"title\"] = \"§8§l[§6Settings§8]\" cmd add settings %gui%[\"content\"] =...