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  1. Viny1212

    Give player item when entering area then removing item when leaving area

    Cmd create move Cmd add move %player% = %args%[2] Cmd add move if %args%[3] = \”from\” then goto 10 Cmd add move if %args%[3] = \”to\” then goto 5 Cmd add move exit Cmd add move let %inv% = playerinventory(%player%) + playerarmor(%player%) Cmd add move save %inv% %player% Cmd add move sleep 1...
  2. Viny1212

    Let specific groups use a command

    Well. You could do that to but you can use this code to also check the players group if you want them to receive a certain kit on a gui or reward. this is how I do it personally =)
  3. Viny1212

    Ranks /Action

    Not completely sure if it’s possible with user actions but if you have madcommands you can simply make a command and add it to a block. /cmd create rank /cmd add rank if playerbalance(%p%) < \”30000\” then message %p% You do not have enough money to buy this rank. /cmd add rank if...
  4. Viny1212

    Adding Ban Items

    Actually yes. You can ban items using the world protection plugin. Just use the command /wp banitem
  5. Viny1212


    yes, smaller areas take over the chunk of a larger area if that makes sense. for example, if you would to have break disallowed in the bigger area, you can allow break in the smaller area and all players will be able to break in the smaller area.
  6. Viny1212

    Is it possible to restart world's?

    Yes it is possible.. if you are using the desert world for example, go in the leet app and set set the desert world to a parallel map and it will reset the desert world...
  7. Viny1212

    How do I set commands to ranks?

    For ranks: /setgperm (perm) For players: /setuperm (perm) For the list of plugins running on the server: /plugins Get the list of permissions on a plugin: /fperms (Plugin name)
  8. Viny1212

    LeetCoPay on Android

    Google play removed it for some odd reason. Spajk is working on a replace for it.
  9. Viny1212

    Enchanted items with Admin Shop?

    There is no way to do it with AdminShop... You will need madcommands to make a enchant shop gui.
  10. Viny1212

    Need help with SetFormat

    do /setformat (group) global [Guest] {display_name}>> {msg} make sure to change “Guest” to the group that fits your server. you can also use these codes: {prefix} {suffix} {fac_name} {fac_rank}
  11. Viny1212

    More options for Land Protection

    Fall damage is “getdamage“ in the options and you can protect your area from fluids and fire using protection blocks...
  12. Viny1212

    A BuyCraft Plugin

    Connect your RCON to buy craft and add a command to run automatically when a player is making a purchase. There should be an option Somewhere in your store options to add commands to run...
  13. Viny1212

    Easier Kit Making

    if you have madcommands, u can make your own kits even a kit with enchanted items.
  14. Viny1212

    Vanish Plugin

    If u have madcommands, u can make a simple vanish command or if you have more commands plugin, you can use /gmspc and other players don’t see that u changed your gm.
  15. Viny1212

    Sugesstion - Broken Items

    I think Leet doesn’t have those items in for a reason, they cause lag and pocketmine doesn‘t support some of those ”broken items” same goes with red stone.
  16. Viny1212

    Whats the Key Crate's Key?

    I think it’s a slime ball btw
  17. Viny1212

    Let specific groups use a command

    sadly no, madcommands does not come with a function for prefix/suffix but you can also make your own prefix/suffix checker type of thing instead of playergroup() it could get much more complex though.
  18. Viny1212

    Let specific groups use a command

    Alot of you probably know this mini code but for the people that don’t know, this is for you! Make sure to change the ranks in the array that matches up to your server and that you want access to your selected command. /cmd create command /cmd edit command 1 let %rank% = array(\”Member\”...
  19. Viny1212

    Custom death messages randomized

    Please make sure to set the permission -pocketmine.broadcast.user to every group... This will also take away join and leave messages. Hope you enjoy my first post! /cmd create death custom death messages /cmd edit death 1 %player% = %args%[1] /cmd edit death 2 %killer% = %args%[2] /cmd edit...
  20. Viny1212

    /wild (For beginners)

    Wow, works good!