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Custom Homes

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Hey guys, recently i found a file with some old code i believe @ALEXMINERPRO had made, for Custom Homes, that allowed a home to be set in any world, and accessed from any world; As currently, theres an issue with multi-world homes.... I tried it, and it didn't work very well, so ive overhauled it, and here it is. Everything works, and all you need to edit, is the messages (even then, only if you feel the need)
cmd create sethome Create a home
cmd add sethome if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 4
cmd add sethome message %p% §cUsage: /sethome <name>
cmd add sethome exit
cmd add sethome %home% = %args%[1]
cmd add sethome load %phomes%
cmd add sethome if %home% in %phomes%[%p%] then message %p% §cYou already have a home called %home%! Choose a different name.
cmd add sethome if %home% in %phomes%[%p%] then exit
cmd add sethome asop /setwarp %home% -p
cmd add sethome message %p% §aSet a home called %home% !
cmd add sethome load %phomes%
cmd add sethome let %phomes%[%p%] = %phomes%[%p%] + %home%
cmd add sethome save %phomes%
cmd add sethome exit

cmd create delhome Delete a home
cmd add delhome load %phomes%
cmd add delhome if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 5
cmd add delhome message %p% §cUsage: /delhome <name>
cmd add delhome exit
cmd add delhome load %phomes%
cmd add delhome %home% = %args%[1]
cmd add delhome if %home% in %phomes%[%p%] then goto 10
cmd add delhome message %p% §cNo home found with name %home%
cmd add delhome exit
cmd add delhome asop /delwarp %home% -p
cmd add delhome %phomes%[%p%] = %phomes%[%p%] - %home%
cmd add delhome save %phomes%
cmd add delhome message %p% Deleted home %home%
cmd add delhome exit

cmd create home Teleport home
cmd add home load %phomes%
cmd add home if varset(%args%[1]) then goto 5
cmd add home message %p% §cUsage: /home <name>
cmd add home exit
cmd add home load %phomes%
cmd add home %home% = %args%[1]
cmd add home if %home% in %phomes%[%p%] then goto 10
cmd add home message %p% §cNo home found with name %home%
cmd add home exit
cmd add home asop /warp %home% -p
cmd add home exit

cmd create homes View your Homes
cmd add homes load %phomes%
cmd add homes if varset(%phomes%[%p%]) = %false% then goto 6
cmd add homes %homes% = %phomes%[%p%]
cmd add homes message %p% §fYour homes are: §a%homes%
cmd add homes exit
cmd add homes message %p% §aYou don't have any homes set! Make one by typing /sethome <Name>
cmd add homes exit