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Enchant Shop (Expanded)

Hello , there have been no replies in this thread for more than 30 days.
Please make sure you have a valid reason before you reply to this thread or you may face moderation action.
Heres a better EShop ive been working on, its based on the original one by @ALEXMINERPRO, ive expanded it and added lots of enchants (tried to do ones that are commonly used, and the prices are for RP Economy, not Survival/Factions =/)
(code is in 3 posts, as its so long, sorry for any inconveniences)
cmd create eshop Enchantment Shop
cmd add eshop %player% = %p%
cmd add eshop if varset(%args%[1]) then let %player% = %args%[1]
cmd add eshop %gui%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui%[\"title\"] = \"§b§lεηcнαηтмεηт sнσρ§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui%[\"content\"] = \"§e§lsεℓεcт αη εηcнαηтмεηт§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt0%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt1%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lFire Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt2%[\"text\"] = \"§8§lBlast Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt3%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lProjectile Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt4%[\"text\"] = \"§b§lUnbreaking§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt5%[\"text\"] = \"§l§aKnockback§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt6%[\"text\"] = \"§d§lProtection§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt7%[\"text\"] = \"§4§lSmite§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt8%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lPunch§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt9%[\"text\"] = \"§a§lPower§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt10%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lFire §6Aspect§r\"
cmd add eshop %opt11%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lEfficiency§r\"
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt0%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt1%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt2%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt3%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt4%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt5%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt6%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt7%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt8%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt9%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt10%
cmd add eshop %buttons%[] = %opt11%
cmd add eshop %gui%[\"buttons\"] = %buttons%
cmd add eshop %response% = dialog(%player%, %gui%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response% = 1 then goto 100
cmd add eshop if %response% = 2 then goto 200
cmd add eshop if %response% = 3 then goto 300
cmd add eshop if %response% = 4 then goto 400
cmd add eshop if %response% = 5 then goto 500
cmd add eshop if %response% = 6 then goto 600
cmd add eshop if %response% = 7 then goto 700
cmd add eshop if %response% = 8 then goto 800
cmd add eshop if %response% = 9 then goto 900
cmd add eshop if %response% = 10 then goto 1000
cmd add eshop if %response% = 11 then goto 1100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 100 %gui1%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui1%[\"title\"] = \"§6§lFire Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui1%[\"content\"] = \"§lSelect a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lFire Protection Level IV §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels1%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels1%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %gui1%[\"buttons\"] = %levels1%
cmd add eshop %response1% = dialog(%player%, %gui1%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response1%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response1% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response1% = 1 then goto 125
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 125 ascon /enchant %p% fire_protection 4
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 200 %gui2%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui2%[\"title\"] = \"§8§lBlast Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui2%[\"content\"] = \"§lSelect a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§8§lBlast Protection Level IV §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels2%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels2%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %gui2%[\"buttons\"] = %levels2%
cmd add eshop %response2% = dialog(%player%, %gui2%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response2%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response2% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response2% = 1 then goto 225
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 225 ascon /enchant %p% blast_protection 4
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 300 %gui3%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui3%[\"title\"] = \"§e§lProjectile Protection§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui3%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lProjectile Protection Level IV §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels3%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels3%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %gui3%[\"buttons\"] = %levels3%
cmd add eshop %response3% = dialog(%player%, %gui3%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response3%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response3% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response3% = 1 then goto 325
cmd add eshop exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% projectile_protection 4
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 400 %gui4%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui4%[\"title\"] = \"§b§lUnbreaking§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui4%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§b§lUnbreaking Level I §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§b§lUnbreaking Level II §r- §f$50§r\"
cmd add eshop %level3%[\"text\"] = \"§b§lUnbreaking Level III §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels4%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels4%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels4%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %levels4%[] = %level3%
cmd add eshop %gui4%[\"buttons\"] = %levels4%
cmd add eshop %response4% = dialog(%player%, %gui4%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response4%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response4% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response4% = 1 then goto 425
cmd add eshop if %response4% = 2 then goto 450
cmd add eshop if %response4% = 3 then goto 475
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 425 ascon /enchant %p% unbreaking 1
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 450 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 50 then message %p% §fYou need at least $50 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 50 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 50
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% unbreaking 2
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 475 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% unbreaking 3
cmd add eshop exit
Click for Part 2
Click for Part 3
Last edited by a moderator:
cmd insert eshop 500 %gui5%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui5%[\"title\"] = \"§l§aKnockback§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui5%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§l§aKnockback Level I §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§l§aKnockback Level II §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels5%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels5%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels5%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %gui5%[\"buttons\"] = %levels5%
cmd add eshop %response5% = dialog(%player%, %gui5%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response5%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response5% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response5% = 1 then goto 525
cmd add eshop if %response5% = 2 then goto 550
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 525 ascon /enchant %p% knockback 1
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 550 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% knockback 2
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 600 %gui6%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui6%[\"title\"] = \"§d§lProtection§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui6%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§d§lProtection Level II §r- §fFree§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§d§lProtection Level III §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level3%[\"text\"] = \"§d§lProtection Level IV §r- §f$200§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels6%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels6%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels6%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %levels6%[] = %level3%
cmd add eshop %gui6%[\"buttons\"] = %levels6%
cmd add eshop %response6% = dialog(%player%, %gui6%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response6%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response6% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response6% = 1 then toto 625
cmd add eshop if %response6% = 2 then goto 650
cmd add eshop if %response6% = 3 then goto 675
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 625 ascon /enchant %p% protection 2
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 650 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% protection 3
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 675 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then message %p% §fYou need at least $200 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 200
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% protection 4
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 700 %gui7%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui7%[\"title\"] = \"§4§lSmite§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui7%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§4§lSmite Level I §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§4§lSmite Level III §r- §f$150§r\"
cmd add eshop %level3%[\"text\"] = \"§4§lSmite Level V §r- §f$200§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels7%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels7%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels7%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %levels7%[] = %level3%
cmd add eshop %gui7%[\"buttons\"] = %levels7%
cmd add eshop %response7% = dialog(%player%, %gui7%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response7%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response7% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response7% = 1 then goto 725
cmd add eshop if %response7% = 2 then goto 750
cmd add eshop if %response7% = 3 then goto 775
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 725 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% smite 1
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 750 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then meesage %p% §fYou need at least $150 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% smite 3
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 150
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 775 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then message %p% §fYou neef at least $200 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% smite 5
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 200
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 800 %gui8%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui8%[\"title\"] = \"§6§lPunch§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui8%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lPunch Level I §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lPunch Level II §r- §f$150§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels8%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels8%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels8%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %gui8%[\"buttons\"] = %levels8%
cmd add eshop %response8% = dialog(%player%, %gui8%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response8%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response8% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response8% = 1 then goto 850
cmd add eshop if %response8% = 2 then goto 875
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 850 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money % < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% punch 1
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 875 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then message %p% §fYou need at least $150 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money % < 150 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% punch 2
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 150
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 900 %gui9%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui9%[\"title\"] = \"§a§lPower§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui9%[\"content\"] = \"§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§a§lPower Level I §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§a§lPower Level III §r- §f$150§r\"
cmd add eshop %level3%[\"text\"] = \"§a§lPower Level V §r- §f$200§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels9%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels9%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels9%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %levels9%[] = %level3%
cmd add eshop %gui9%[\"buttons\"] = %levels9%
cmd add eshop %response9% = dialog(%player%, %gui9%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response9%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response9% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response9% = 1 then goto 925
cmd add eshop if %response9% = 2 then goto 950
cmd add eshop if %response9% = 3 then goto 975
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 925 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% power 1
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 950 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then message %p% §fYou need at least $150 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% power 3
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 150
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 975 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then message %p% §fYou need at least $200 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% power 5
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 200
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1000 %gui10%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui10%[\"title\"] = \"§c§lFire §6Aspect§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui10%[\"content\"] = \"§f§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lFire §6Aspect Level I §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lFire §6Aspect Level II §r- §f$200§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels10%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels10%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels10%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %gui10%[\"buttons\"] = %levels10%
cmd add eshop %response10% = dialog(%player%, %gui10%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response10%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response10% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response10% = 1 then goto 1050
cmd add eshop if %response10% = 2 then goto 1075
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1050 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% fire_aspect 1
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1075 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then message %p% §fYou need at least $200 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% fire_aspect 2
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 200
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1100 %gui11%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add eshop %gui11%[\"title\"] = \"§e§lEfficiency§r\"
cmd add eshop %gui11%[\"content\"] = \"§f§lChoose a Level§r\"
cmd add eshop %cancel%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lCancel§r\"
cmd add eshop %level1%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lEfficiency Level I §r- §f$100§r\"
cmd add eshop %level2%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lEfficiency Level III §r- §f$150§r\"
cmd add eshop %level3%[\"text\"] = \"§e§lEfficiency Level V §r- §f$200§r\"
cmd add eshop %levels11%[] = %cancel%
cmd add eshop %levels11%[] = %level1%
cmd add eshop %levels11%[] = %level2%
cmd add eshop %levels11%[] = %level3%
cmd add eshop %gui11%[\"buttons\"] = %levels11%
cmd add eshop %response11% = dialog(%player%, %gui%)
cmd add eshop if varset(%response11%) = %false% then exit
cmd add eshop if %response11% = 0 then exit
cmd add eshop if %response11% = 1 then goto 1125
cmd add eshop if %response11% = 2 then goto 1150
cmd add eshop if %response11% = 3 then goto 1175
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1125 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then message %p% §fYou need at least $100 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 100 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% efficiency 1
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 100
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1150 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then message %p% §fYou need at least $150 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 150 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% efficiency 3
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 150
cmd add eshop exit
cmd insert eshop 1175 %money% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then message %p% §fYou need at least $200 for this enchant.
cmd add eshop if %money% < 200 then exit
cmd add eshop ascon /enchant %p% efficiency 5
cmd add eshop ascon /rca %p% pay ATskullXD5 200
cmd add eshop exit


Tree Puncher
omg your a g

lol, now when I do it, it says empty response then i go to the server and it doesn't work.... do I have to do a line for each one?

btw next can you make a skyblock gui with all the commands please... I need one .. like /skyblock then it has every /skyblock command in tabs and doesn't let you do /skyblock anywhere besides in the /skyblock world...

if you can't do that can you make a /shop plugin where you can buy anything? please.. can you put the blocks already in there like regular plots ones...? and factions ones... and skyblock ones like cactus melons carrots saplings, you you can that would be much appreciated.. And I'm pretty sure the community would enjoy it too... :)


Tree Puncher
Sorry, but you are a straight g, what I was inferring is that your a really good command creator.. like your work is finominal! Keep it up.