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Fix for the /Settings UI by NikosProGamerGR

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Tree Puncher
This is a fix for the /settings cosmetics Mad Command.
Your going to have to set the group for the permission to use the commands... so you would have to do /cmd edit settings 18 | then turn ascon on
and do the same for lines 19 and 20! then your code will be done :)
cmd create settings §eSettings UI
cmd add settings %player% = %p%
cmd add settings %gui%[\"type\"] = \"form\"
cmd add settings %gui%[\"title\"] = \"§8§l[§6Settings§8]\"
cmd add settings %gui%[\"content\"] = \"§8§l[§6Disable features to prevent lagg!§8]\"
cmd add settings %button0%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lRemove §dMorph\"
cmd add settings %button1%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lDisable §dParticles\"
cmd add settings %button2%[\"text\"] = \"§6§lEnable §dParticles\"
cmd add settings %button3%[\"text\"] = \"§e§k||§r §6§lComing Soon §r§e§k||§r\"
cmd add settings %button4%[\"text\"] = \"§c§lExit\"
cmd add settings %buttons%[] =%button0%
cmd add settings %buttons%[] = %button1%
cmd add settings %buttons%[] = %button2%
cmd add settings %buttons%[] = %button3%
cmd add settings %buttons%[] = %button4%
cmd add settings %gui%[\"buttons\"] = %buttons%
cmd add settings %response% = dialog(%player%, %gui%)
cmd add settings if %response% = 0 then /morph player
cmd add settings if %response% = 1 then /wpoff
cmd add settings if %response% = 2 then /wpon
cmd add settings if %response% = 3 then message %p% §e§k||§r §c§lS§fC §6Settings §r§e§k||§r
§dThis feature is coming soon!
cmd add settings if %response% = 4 then exit

lines 17 18 19 and 20 need to be set to asop when you do /cmd edit settings 17
then turn on asop on the bottom do this for the continuing lines.