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Functional Whitelist Command (With kick reason)

Hello , there have been no replies in this thread for more than 30 days.
Please make sure you have a valid reason before you reply to this thread or you may face moderation action.
Fully Functional Whitelist script. Updates will be provided in comments (And will be console friendly)
Don't ask where Version 1.0. is

This is my first post in like a year, so sorry if it has any errors.

cmd create whitelist
cmd add whitelist #Made By GreenBoy657
cmd add whitelist #Version 1.0.1
cmd add whitelist #Updates will be added as required and will be console supported. Made With Madcommands 2.2
cmd add whitelist load %allowed%
cmd add whitelist load %togglestatus%
cmd add whitelist load %wreason%
cmd add whitelist load %ranks%
cmd add whitelist if varset(%ranks%) = %false% then let %ranks% = array()
cmd add whitelist if varset(%togglestatus%) = %false% then let %togglestatus% = array()
cmd add whitelist if varset(%allowed%) = %false% then let %allowed% = array()
cmd add whitelist if varset(%wreason%) then let %wreason% = \"Sorry, This server is whitelisted. Come Back soon!\"
cmd add whitelist if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then goto 23
cmd add whitelist let %pr% = playergroup(%p%)
cmd add whitelist let %rcmd% = %args%[1]
cmd add whitelist if %rcmd% = \"help\" then goto 25
cmd add whitelist if %rcmd% = \"reset\" then goto 52
cmd add whitelist if %rcmd% = \"list\" then goto 95
cmd add whitelist if (%rcmd% = \"add\") or (%rcmd% = \"addplayer\") then goto 95
cmd add whitelist if (%rcmd% = \"remove\") or (%rcmd% = \"delete\") or (%rcmd% = \"del\") then goto 95
cmd add whitelist if (%rcmd% = \"reason\") or (%rcmd% = \"setreason\") then goto 39
cmd add whitelist if (%rcmd% = \"rank\") or (%rcmd% = \"addrank\") then goto 117
cmd add whitelist if %rcmd% = \"toggle\" then goto 82
cmd add whitelist message %p% §cUSAGE: /whitelist [help/reset/add/remove/reason/addrank/toggle/list]
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist # Help
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e----------§c|§bWhitelist§c|§e----------
cmd add whitelist message %p% §aVersion: §61.0.1
cmd add whitelist message %p% §aMade By: §eGreenBoy657
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e-----------§c|§bCommands§c|§e----------
cmd add whitelist message %p% §breset: §aResets all players in the whitelist, resets message and turns it off.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §btoggle: §atoggles the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §badd: §aAdds a player to the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §blist: §aLists the whitelisted players.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §bremove: §aRemoves a player from the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §brank: §aAdds/Removes ranks that can overide the whitelist, even if they their name isnt on it.
cmd add whitelist message %p% §breason: §aAdds the reason given for the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist message %p% -------------§c|§bWhitelist§c|§e----------
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist #reason
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §cYou are not the required rank to preform this action.
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then exit
cmd add whitelist if varset(%args%[2]) = %false% then message %p% §cUsage: /whitelist reason [set, check] <message>
cmd add whitelist if varset(%args%[2]) = %false% then exit
cmd add whitelist if %args%[3] = \"check\" then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §aThe current whitelist message is: §b%wreason%
cmd add whitelist if %args%[3] = \"check\" then exit
cmd add whitelist if (%args%[3] = \"set\") and (varset(%args%[4]) = %false%) then message %p% §cUsage: /whitelist reason [set] <message>
cmd add whitelist if (%args%[3] = \"set\") and (varset(%args%[4]) = %false%) then exit
cmd add whitelist let %wreason% = join(%args%[4+],\" \")
cmd add whitelist save %wreason%
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §aThe whitelist message is now: §6%wreason%
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist #reset
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then message %p% §c[DANGER] You do NOT have permission to wipe this commands data.
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then exit
cmd add whitelist if (varset(%args%[2] = %false%) or (%args%[2] != \"confirm\") then message %p% §4[DANGER] §cExecuting ths command will reset all data for this command, including whitelisted users, whitelist status, ranks that can bypass, the whitelist message, and more. This cannot be undone and will bring this whitelist back to the factory settings. If you are sure you want to do this, please execute: /whiteist reset confirm.
cmd add whitelist if (varset(%args%[2] = %false%) or (%args%[2] != \"confirm\") then exit
cmd add whitelist message %p% §cFactory reset command launched... Data clearing....
cmd add whitelist sleep 2
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e21% Cleared...
cmd add whitelist let %wreason% = \"Sorry, This server is whitelisted. Come back soon!\"
cmd add whitelist sleep 1
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e34% Cleared...
cmd add whitelist let %allowed% = array()
cmd add whitelist sleep 3
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e54% Cleared
cmd add whitelist let %togglestatus% = \"off\"
cmd add whitelist sleep 4
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e74% Cleared...
cmd add whitelist sleep 2
cmd add whitelist message %p% §89% Cleared...
cmd add whitelist let %ranks% = array()
cmd add whitelist sleep 1
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e100% Cleared...
cmd add whitelist message %p% §eSaving data placeholders...
cmd add whitelist save %wreason%
cmd add whitelist save %allowed%
cmd add whitelist save %togglestatus%
cmd add whitelist save %ranks%
cmd add whitelist sleep 2
cmd add whitelist message %p% §eData placeholders added. Command fully reset with §e0 §cErrors.
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist #Toggle
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §cSorry, You do not have permisson to toggle the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then exit
cmd add whitelist if varset(%args%[2]) = %false%) or (varset(%args%[3]) = %true%) then message %p% §cUsage: /whitelist toggle [on/off]
cmd add whitelist if varset(%args%[2]) = %false%) or (varset(%args%[3]) = %true%) then exit
cmd add whitelist let %rep% = %args%[2]
cmd add whitelist if %rep% = \"on\" then let %togglestatus% = \"on\"
cmd add whitelist if %rep% = \"off\" then let %togglestatus% = \"off\"
cmd add whitelist save %togglestatus%
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"off\") or (%rep% = \"on\") then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §bThe whitelist is now §6%togglestatus%.
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"off\") or (%rep% = \"on\") then exit
cmd add whitelist message %p% §6"%rep%" §ais §cNOT §asomething you can switch the whitelist to, please type on or off.
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist # add / remove / list Users
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §cYou do not have permission to control whitelisted users.
cmd add whitelist if %pr% notin array(\"Owner\") then exit
cmd add whitelist let %args%[1] = %rep%
cmd add whitelist let %args%[2] = %play%
cmd add whitelist let %size% = size(%allowed%) - 1
cmd add whitelist if %rep% = \"list\" then message %p% §e[§aList§e]§aThere are §b%size% §amembers whitelisted. §b%allowed%
cmd add whitelist if %rep% = \"list\" then exit
cmd add whitelist if varset(%play%) = %false% then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §cUsage: /whitelist [on/off] [player]
cmd add whitelist if varset(%play%) = %false% then exit
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"add\") and (%play% in %allowed%) then message %p% §cThis user is already whitelisted.
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"add\") and (%play% in %allowed%) then exit
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"add\") and (%play% notin %allowed%) then let %allowed% = %allowed% + array(%play%)
cmd add whitelist save %allowed%
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"add\") and (%play% notin %allowed%) then message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §aAdded §b%play% §aTo the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist if (%rep% = \"add\") and (%play% notin %allowed%) then exit
cmd add whitelist if %play% notin %allowed% then message %p% §cThis user is not whitelisted.
cmd add whitelist if %play% notin %allowed% then exit
cmd add whitelist let %allowed% = %allowed% - array(%play%)
cmd add whitelist message %p% §e[§aWhitelist§e] §aRemoved §b%play% §afrom the whitelist.
cmd add whitelist save %allowed%
cmd add whitelist exit
cmd add whitelist #Ranks
cmd add whitelist message %p% Sorry, §cThis feature Is coming soon and is currently disabled.
cmd add whitelist exit

cmd create wh
cmd unregister wh
cmd trigger wh login
cmd add wh load %allowed%
cmd add wh load %togglestatus%
cmd add wh load %wreason%
cmd add wh load %ranks%
cmd add wh if %togglestatus% = \"off\" then exit
cmd add wh if %p% in %allowed% then exit
cmd add wh sleep 5
cmd add wh /kick %p% %wreason%