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gambling - commitment command

Hello , there have been no replies in this thread for more than 30 days.
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Here is a commitment command. use /commitment <commitment>. When you win will you get twice the money back.

cmd create commitment command by PlanetJaniboy25
cmd add commitment let %commitment% = %args%[1]
cmd add commitment if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then message %p% §cYou have to make a money bet
cmd add commitment if varset(%args%[1]) = %false% then exit
cmd add commitment if playerbalance(%p%) < %commitment% then message %p% §cYou dont have enough money to make your commitment!
cmd add commitment if playermoney(%p%) < %commitment% then exit
cmd add commitment ascon /takemoney %p% %commitment%
cmd add commitment let %randome% = random(1, 4)
cmd add commitment if %randome% = 3 then goto 100
cmd insert commitment sleep 1
cmd add commitment message %p% §cyou have lose
cmd add commitment sound %level% %x% %y% %z% explode
cmd edit commitment 99 exit
cmd add commitment let %commitment% = %commitment% * 2
cmd add commitment ascon /givemoney %p% %commitment%
cmd add commitment message %p% §aYou have won §2%commitment%$§a!
cmd add commitment sound %level% %x% %y% %z% levelup 9999999999 player %p%