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Had this idea recently for the new City im working on: Newspapers. Wouldn't it be great if people could subscribe to a newspaper, and have it delivered to their mailbox each day, in Minecraft ? Well, i did some thinking and made this
cmd create newspapers Newspaper Commands
cmd add newspapers let %opt% = %args%[1]
cmd add newspapers if %opt% = \"add\" then goto 100
cmd add newspapers if %opt% = \"distribute\" then goto 200
cmd add newspapers if varset(%opt%) = %false% then message %p% Usage: /newspapers add <full username> <chest X Y Z>
cmd add newspapers exit
cmd insert newspapers 100 # Subscribe
cmd add newspapers let %player% = %args%[2]
cmd add newspapers let %chestx% = %args%[3]
cmd add newspapers let %chesty% = %args%[4]
cmd add newspapers let %chestz% = %args%[5]
cmd add newspapers asop /cmd add newspapers ascon /copyblock empty 414 129 164 %chestx% %chesty% %chestz%
cmd add newspapers asop /rca %player% /pay ATskullXD5 10
cmd add newspapers message %p% §fYou have successfully added %player% to the Newspaper Service!
cmd add newspapers message %player% §fYou have been subscribed to the §oDaily Impyria§r, for $10.
cmd add newspapers exit
cmd insert newspapers 200 # Distribution
You will need to edit the following for it to work:
The Coordinates of the original newspaper; The one you wish to distribute. Their located after copyblock
The name of who receives the subscription payment (if your charging)
The amount of money charged (again, if your charging)
The messages/names

Hope you enjoy it!