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Question about tags

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Tree Puncher
So I want to give player tags on my server, like Vanilla or Ice Cream, the ranks on my server rn are [Guest] Name > Msg and when you have a tag it will be [Tag] [Guest] Name > Msg. How do I give people on my server a tag when they click on a block? (Action plugin)


Staff Member
Department Head
Support Team
Hello @Dakern!

This is MCPlayingTV, and I'm going to help you today!

To make what you're looking for, you can set a "Prefix" which will keep the Guest Rank, and give what you're asking for!

To set them, run /action, click the block, and then run /setprefix §fIceCream%op.

If you have anymore questions, please let me know. have a nice day!

Kind regard,
LEET Customer Representative!
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Tree Puncher
Hello @Dakern!

This is MCPlayingTV, and I'm going to help you today!

To make what you're looking for, you can set a "Prefix" which will keep the Guest Rank, and give what you're asking for!

To set them, run /action, click the block, and then run /setprefix §fIceCream%op.

If you have anymore questions, please let me know. have a nice day!

Kind regard,
LEET Customer Representative!
So confused, it doesn't work on my server. When I do /setprefix IceCream%op to the action block and tap on it, theres to prefix for it. So when a player types in chat it doesn't look like this: Ice Cream {Rank} {Guest} > {msg} instead it didnt change


Staff Member
Department Head
Support Team
Is it showing that your prefix was changed? if it's, then you'll have to change the Guest Rank Format:
/setformat Guest §0[§a{prefix}§0] [§7Guest§0] §b{display_name} §6>> {
§c{msg} §6<<

Run the above command, if it still haven't added the IceCream Prefix to it, feel free to reply. (and when you test it, make sure you're in Guest Rank)

Have a nice day, and Good Luck!


Department Head
Staff Member
Department Head
Community Team
As a lil note for the colours too, I recommend using §r at the end of both the {prefix} and the {msg}, so you wouldnt have any issues with some text having bold or whatnot.
What §r does is reset the formatting.