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Rankup System (Simplified)

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Warps to have the same names as in %mines% (the warps have to be lowercase letters)
if warps are uppercase letters then either change all the letters in %mines% to uppercase or use: cmd insert rankup 22 let %warp% = uppercase(%mine%) and cmd edit rankup 23 asop /warp %warp%

For the %prices%, it is how much each mine costs. For example, mine a would cost 0 since it usually is free. You can change the prices within %prices% (leave the 0 alone if mine a is given for free)

You can change the mines in %mines% but they have to have the same names as the warps you set.

cmd create rankup
cmd add rankup let %mines% = array(\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\", \"i\", \"j\", \"k\", \"l\", \"m\", \"n\", \"o\", \"p\", \"q\", \"r\", \"s\", \"t\", \"u\", \"v\", \"w\", \"x\", \"y\", \"z\", \"free\")
cmd add rankup load %minerank%
cmd add rankup if varset(%minerank%[%p%]) = %false% then let %minerank%[%p%] = \"a\"
cmd add rankup let %prices% = array(0, 100000, 200000, 450000, 1500000, 2500000, 4500000, 6000000)
cmd add rankup let %playerm% = %minerank%[%p%]
cmd add rankup let %mnum% = position(%mines%, %playerm%)
cmd add rankup let %mine% = %mines%[%mnum%]
cmd add rankup let %mnum% = %mnum% + 1
cmd add rankup let %price% = %prices%[%mnum%]
cmd add rankup if varset(%price%) then goto 13
cmd add rankup message %p% §cThere is currently no mines to rankup to!
cmd add rankup exit
cmd add rankup if playerbalance(%p%) >= %price% then goto 17
cmd add rankup let %needed% = %price% - playerbalance(%p%)
cmd add rankup message %p% §cYou do not have enough money to rankup! §eYou need: §7$%needed%
cmd add rankup exit
cmd add rankup if %mines%[%mnum%] != \"free\" then goto 20
cmd add rankup message %p% §cYou are already in the highest mine!
cmd add rankup exit
cmd add rankup let %mine% = %mines%[%mnum%]
cmd add rankup ascon /takemoney %p% %price%
cmd add rankup /warp %mine%
cmd add rankup let %prefix% = uppercase(%mine%)
cmd add rankup asop /setprefix %prefix%
cmd add rankup let %minerank%[%p%] = %mine%
cmd add rankup save %minerank%
cmd add rankup message onlineplayers() §e%p% Just Ranked Up To Mine: %prefix%!
cmd add rankup exit

Resets The Variable:
cmd create rankupreset
cmd add rankupreset load %minerank%
cmd add rankupreset let %minerank% =
cmd add rankupreset save %minerank%
I am wondering about something... If you are using the '/warp' command to teleport players, then won't that mean players can also just use '/warp' to get to created mines? Then it won't be of any point to use the ranking system unless we have another command for this, or basically change the function to 'move' instead of '/warp'?


Department Head
Staff Member
Department Head
Community Team
I am wondering about something... If you are using the '/warp' command to teleport players, then won't that mean players can also just use '/warp' to get to created mines? Then it won't be of any point to use the ranking system unless we have another command for this, or basically change the function to 'move' instead of '/warp'?
Yeah... the move function would serve better than Warp.
Using warp would almost defeat the purpose of mine ranks.


Coal Miner
I am wondering about something... If you are using the '/warp' command to teleport players, then won't that mean players can also just use '/warp' to get to created mines? Then it won't be of any point to use the ranking system unless we have another command for this, or basically change the function to 'move' instead of '/warp'?
do /setgperm Rank -leettp.command.warp
I am wondering about something... If you are using the '/warp' command to teleport players, then won't that mean players can also just use '/warp' to get to created mines? Then it won't be of any point to use the ranking system unless we have another command for this, or basically change the function to 'move' instead of '/warp'?
do /setgperm Rank -leettp.command.warp
But what if the owner of the servers want players to be able to use /warp, to go to certain places?

The purpose of the command was to make it as simple as possible. Right now I'm making it more complicated where it doesn't use warps but save coordinates and making it so you don't have to touch the code in order to use it


Department Head
Staff Member
Department Head
Community Team
The purpose of the command was to make it as simple as possible. Right now I'm making it more complicated where it doesn't use warps but save coordinates and making it so you don't have to touch the code in order to use it
But like I said, warp defeats the purpose XD
Plenty of servers require /warp.. ;)

Why not use the move function, but add a variable that users can edit the cords in ;)
But like I said, warp defeats the purpose XD
Plenty of servers require /warp.. ;)

Why not use the move function, but add a variable that users can edit the cords in ;)
Thats why im doing ;). Its going to be a seperate op command: /prison setspawn <mine-name>

New one posted with better code and better functionalities