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Updated perworld sell

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Coal Miner

I have to post a link because of the character limit.

Use to transfer currently sell variable: (If you used my outdated command)
cmd add selltransfer load %sells%
cmd add selltransfer let %sel% = %sells%
cmd add selltransfer let %sells% =
cmd add selltransfer let %sells%[%level%] = %sel%
cmd add selltransfer save %sells%
cmd add selltransfer message %p% Sell Updated!
Just stand in the world you want the sell variable to be in.

Use /sell help in-game to see all the commands.

To be updated:
Message for sell help
Last edited by a moderator:


Tree Puncher
Is there a way to type all of this into one command if so how ... when I do it i have to do / then copy and past each line into the box, and when I did so IT DIDN'T WORK then I search it up and find this and I litterly almost hit myself lmao... is there a away you can come on my server and do this for me?
Is there a way to type all of this into one command if so how ... when I do it i have to do / then copy and past each line into the box, and when I did so IT DIDN'T WORK then I search it up and find this and I litterly almost hit myself lmao... is there a away you can come on my server and do this for me?
Use rcon