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Why the migration from NodeBB to XenForo?

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Personally, I think that the migration of the LEET Forums from NodeBB to XenForo was a bad idea. I can't fully understand why the LEET Team has taken this desicion and how good are the pros versus the cons to being, from now on, paying a license to keep up the forum.
I have no idea either, why was this decision made, exactly? I'm wondering that too, but I'm guessing it's because they wanted to link the forum account to the auth account? Not sure
Personally, I think that the migration of the LEET Forums from NodeBB to XenForo was a bad idea. I can't fully understand why the LEET Team has taken this desicion and how good are the pros versus the cons to being, from now on, paying a license to keep up the forum.
The answer to your question is that Xenforo, according to spajk, looks more like a forum than nodebb. Not to mention that nodebb used to always break with the simplest of actions... it really was a nightmare to maintain... which isn’t the case for Xenforo. To add to that, Xenforo allows many opportunities that nodebb doesn’t. For example, using leet auth instead of the usual forum auth system (allowing you to be able to have one account for everything related to leet).
The answer to your question is that Xenforo, according to spajk, looks more like a forum than nodebb. Not to mention that nodebb used to always break with the simplest of actions... it really was a nightmare to maintain... which isn’t the case for Xenforo. To add to that, Xenforo allows many opportunities that nodebb doesn’t. For example, using leet auth instead of the usual forum auth system (allowing you to be able to have one account for everything related to leet).
Gnarly. :)
The answer to your question is that Xenforo, according to spajk, looks more like a forum than nodebb. Not to mention that nodebb used to always break with the simplest of actions... it really was a nightmare to maintain... which isn’t the case for Xenforo. To add to that, Xenforo allows many opportunities that nodebb doesn’t. For example, using leet auth instead of the usual forum auth system (allowing you to be able to have one account for everything related to leet).
Sound interest ^_^ cool also mind if I can ask you some questions about Xenforo? Wasn’t sure if it suppose to be discuss about it or?
Okay so what was this new forum host by? And how long it take for this forum to be finish during beta testing? And how they are different from leet old forum ^_^
- Hosted by leet.

- It took around a couple of months

- I’ll leave that for you to explore cuz it would take forever for me to explain all the differences


Staff Member
Department Head
The current design isn't final. For one, the bars between posts are ugly. We will be modifying the design according to our needs.