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Unable to locate Mad Command Error

Hello , there have been no replies in this thread for more than 30 days.
Please make sure you have a valid reason before you reply to this thread or you may face moderation action.
So I have spent more than a day to try and figure out this problem.
The command works fine without any errors, but it keeps repeating Rank A's lines of code and would not go to Rank B's code.

cmd edit rankup 1 let %rank% = varset(%rank%[%p%])
cmd edit rankup 2 load %rank% %p% 
cmd edit rankup 3 let %bal% = playerbalance(%p%)
cmd edit rankup 4 if varset(%rank%[%p%]) = %false% then goto 31
cmd edit rankup 5 if %rank% = 2 then goto 45
cmd edit rankup 30 exit
cmd edit rankup 31 if %bal% > 2 then goto 34
cmd edit rankup 32 ascon message %p% §cYou need $1 to Rank Up to A!
cmd edit rankup 33 exit
cmd edit rankup 34 asop /takemoney %p% 1
cmd edit rankup 35 let %rank% = 2
cmd edit rankup 36 save %rank% %p%
cmd edit rankup 37 asop /setuperm %p% pchat.command.setprefix
cmd edit rankup 38 ascon /setprefix A
cmd edit rankup 39 ascon /unsetuperm %p% pchat.command.setprefix
cmd edit rankup 40 asop /prblock give %p%
cmd edit rankup 41 message %p% §aYou reveived a §eProtection Block§a. Check §bAdditional Commands §aboard for instructions on how to use this block.
cmd edit rankup 42 ascon /title %p% title §aYou ranked up to A
cmd edit rankup 43 ascon message onlineplayers() §b%p% §aRanked Up To §b§lA
cmd edit rankup 44 exit
cmd edit rankup 45 if %bal% > 2999 then goto 48
cmd edit rankup 46 ascon message %p% §cYou need $3000 to Rank Up to B!
cmd edit rankup 47 exit
cmd edit rankup 48 asop /takemoney %p% 3000
cmd edit rankup 49 let %rank% = 3
cmd edit rankup 50 save %rank% %p%
cmd edit rankup 51 asop /setuperm %p% pchat.command.setprefix
cmd edit rankup 52 ascon /setprefix B
cmd edit rankup 53 ascon /unsetuperm %p% pchat.command.setprefix
cmd edit rankup 54 asop /prblock give %p%
cmd edit rankup 55 message %p% §aYou reveived a §eProtection Block§a. Check §bAdditional Commands §aboard for instructions on how to use this block.
cmd edit rankup 56 ascon /title %p% title §aYou ranked up to B
cmd edit rankup 57 ascon message onlineplayers() §b%p% §aRanked Up To §b§lB
cmd edit rankup 58 exit