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Warn GUI

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Warn GUI

Needed Plugins:
-Modify Ranks

Allows you to warn players by opening a GUI allowing you state the reason and the player

Strike System + Warn will be coming soon

If you have any errors please let me know!

cmd create warn Warn GUI Made by StokedCrane7271
cmd add warn let %staff% = array(\"Owner\", \"Builder\", \"CoOwner\", \"Jr.Mod\", \"Sr.Mod\", \"Helper\", \"Admin\")
cmd add warn let %pgrp% = playergroup(%p%)
cmd add warn if %pgrp% in %staff% then goto 6
cmd add warn message %p% §bPermissions§8>> §7You do not have permission for this command.
cmd add warn exit
cmd add warn %all% = onlineplayers()
cmd add warn %form%[\"type\"] = \"custom_form\"
cmd add warn %form%[\"title\"] = \"Warn Players\"
cmd add warn %con-1%[\"type\"] = \"dropdown\"
cmd add warn %con-1%[\"text\"] = \"Select a Player\"
cmd add warn %con-1%[\"options\"] = %all%
cmd add warn %con-2%[\"type\"] = \"input\"
cmd add warn %con-2%[\"text\"] = \"Reason:\"
cmd add warn %con-2%[\"placeholder\"] = \"Reason here...\"
cmd add warn %content%[] = %con-1%
cmd add warn %content%[] = %con-2%
cmd add warn %form%[\"content\"] = %content%
cmd add warn %res% = dialog(%p%, %form%)
cmd add warn if %res% = %false% then exit
cmd add warn %index% = %res%[0]
cmd add warn %name% = %all%[%index%]
cmd add warn %reason% = %res%[1]
cmd add warn if %reason% = \"\" then exit
cmd add warn message %all% §7[§aWarn§7] §4%p% §f Warned §e%name% §f For: %reason%